Skunk Removal

Skunk Removal Services

Skunks can be one of the most common nuisance wildlife creatures for homeowners and businesses. They are notorious for their acrid and well-known pungent scent produced by a pair of scent glands that can be detected over a great distance.

Skunks are one of four animals (including fox, raccoon & bats) that are considered to be primary carriers of the rabies virus and classified as a rabies vector species. Skunks have also been known to carry leptospirosis a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals.

Skunks enter properties in search of new food sources or to find suitable dens. Once they enter human habitat, that will likely take the easy way out and expand their diet to include garbage, unattended pet food, and even garden plants. Wouldn’t you?

Some of the ways to tell if you have a skunk, beyond the odor, is spotting shallow holes in the lawn which are a result of a skunk foraging for grubs. You may find plants knocked over or damage to the lower leaves or ears of ripening garden crops, including corn. You should look for these additional clues but remember foxes also have their own musky scent that may cause misidentification.

We begin getting active calls for humane skunk removal starting in the spring since February through March is their mating season lasting 60 or so days later… yup you got more! She’ll have anywhere from one to fifteen little ones.

Tip: Skunks give ample warning that should be heeded- like stamping front feet, a raised tail, hissing, short forward charges and twisting their hind end around in your direction. Unfortunately, by nature, dogs tend to ignore these warnings, so typically bear the brunt of it. 

How to Remove Skunks
Skunk exclusion techniques should be used proactively to prevent denning before an animal moves in.

If you suspect you have a skunk, this is where we implore you to bring in experts to assure a skunk den is first checked to determine if it has residents to assure human skunk removal techniques and options.

We use methods to permanently exclude skunks and deter them altogether. We find that trapping is by far the best skunk control solution. For most skunks, we will use baiting and trapping solutions that are effective and humane to remove them safely and with minimal spraying. After we will recommend adding a prevention service to ensure they cannot come back.

Deterrents: Our team recommends clearing woodpiles and other den sites and protecting the property by securing food sources and entry areas with prevention methods.

If you are concerned about a skunk problem, contact us for human skunk removal and cleanup services today. REMEMBER our home inspections are always FREE.

Also, download our Homeowner Tips Checklist


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