Bird Barrier® is America’s leading manufacturer and supplier of pest bird control. They specialize in urban bird control to remove pest birds humanely and effectively.

The company has been in business since 1993, Bird Barrier® America has led the way with innovative technologies designed to prevent birds from landing, roosting or nesting.

Their best selling bird control product is the Bird-Flite bird spikes. Stainless steel construction ensures an extensive and effective service life for protection against pigeons and similarly sized nuisance birds.
Bird Barrier® also introduced the first electrical shock system designed to keep birds off surfaces. Stealthnet is our brand of bird netting that is used for total exclusion. Impenetrable by birds, it creates a barrier that is extremely effective and minimally visible. An attractive bird control option for aesthetically sensitive applications.

Birdwire, BirdCoil, Daddi Long Legs, and BirdSlide are about-us-page that we offer that work great to control pigeons, starlings, sparrows, grackles, geese, gulls, crows, and swallows.

To learn more about our Bird Control Solutions visit us on the Services Page.