Did you ever see those commercials where the customer is trying to describe to the mechanic the sounds their car is making?
Welcome to our world!! Usually, their eyes are as big as softballs and everyone is convinced they know where Bigfoot lives now… IN THEIR CEILING AND WALLS…..and they’ve got the sounds to prove it!
Okay, I’ll run through a few of them for ya and update this as we collect more:
- There’s scratching in my walls and ceiling
- It sounds like somethings bowling up there
- Ooh my god it sounds like they’re going to come through any moment now
- I think they’re fighting
- I think something’s happening
- I hear birds chirping
- Here’s one of my favorites, Ooh no it’s much bigger than a mouse
This is just a small sample of any given day for us, and we get it, these sounds can be both very frustrating and even scary. Our mind takes us to the worst possible scenarios. And for us even when WE “know” what it is, we can still be wrong!!
We’ve pulled a lot of crazy things out of homes both in and around. Pet pythons in walls, raccoons out of ceilings in high-end restaurants, Opossums from under diner booths, LOTS and LOTS of raccoons out of chimneys and attics so you’re right sometimes it IS bigger than a mouse.
And for the record, only one bigfoot so far so chances are slim it’s that again.
*Keep in mind, we offer Preventative Services, so you as a homeowner don’t have to listen to what sounds like a stampede in your attic!*